Tweet + Quick = Twickly

In a bid to help Twitter users to post tweets much faster than before, the founder of Twickly has developed this interesting and useful service. Having a pretty nice name which simply combines the two words “tweet” and “quick” together together and changes the name a little, what Twickly does is that it offers several common mesasge templates such as “I’m running late!”, “Congragulations with your” and “Time for my coffee break” and then you complete it with whatever you want to convey in your updates. This really helps to save effort and time but of course not significantly. Before you submit your Twickly Tweet in 140 characters, you’d have to provide your Twitter credentials.

Actually, I personally find that this service doesn’t really helps much as typing an extra few words wouldn’t take up much time. Also, punching in username and password everytime you want to post a tweet seems quite annoying. But at least Twickly is indeed an unique creation and I’m still impressed by it.