Google Taiwan Office
Located in Taipei 101 – one of the world’s tallest skyscrapers – from floor 37 to… floor 73, the Google Taiwan Office is laid out in a typical colorful Google style which was originated from the sprawling, cheerfully dystopian Googleplex campus in Mountain View. The bright, playful and colorful interior of the Taipei Office, including ping pong, football tables and a bar enables its young employees to work longer and more effectively.
Via Google Taiwan Office in Taipei 101 Flickr Set
Hyves Office
Hyves is one of the most popular social networking website in Holland which enables users to keep in touch with existing friends and make friends by creating personalized pages of themselves with rich media content, such as photos, videos, flash content and custom layouts.
Located in Amsterdam, its colorful office interior consists of a wide variety of bright colors such as pink, orange, green and light blue. It does gives me an impression that the office resembles like my child care center during my childhood days. It’s indeed amazing and beautiful!
Via Hvyes HQ