Cross-posted from WeLoveYOG, a blog managed by 3 energetic and enthusiastic teenagers, to promote the first ever Youth Olympic Games.
Over the past 40 years, Singapore has emerged from a small fishing port to one of Asia’s most prosperous economies with a gross domestic of US$51,142 per capital which is currently ranked 4th in the world. Its innovative yet steadfast form of economics has given it the nickname the ‘Singapore Model’. Dubbed as a “relatively corruption-free” country with a stable government, Singapore has received zillion praises from tourists around the world.
Some of these wondrous traits Singapore posses have contributed greatly to the conspicuous success of winning the bid to host the first ever Youth Olympic Games. Next year, the inaugural world-class sporting event will be held right here in Singapore from August 14 – 26.
I was exultant but also stupefied after the announcement of the successful bidder. I didn’t expect that a relatively diminutive country with a population of close to 5 million is able to host such an event of world-class standard. As a loyal Singaporean, I will continue to give my replete support by contributing to the YOG community such as participating in most of the upcoming events and promote YOG to whole using the power of social websites.
Here, I’ve compiled a list of 40+ fantastic and gorgeous HDR photographs of some of Singapore’s iconic landmarks. After viewing these really impressive and beautiful photos, you might have a plan in mind to watch the full action of top-notch participants from around the world exhibiting their sports talents and challenging with one another. Hope to see you guys next year!
National Art Gallery of Singapore