I originally had TweetDeck and Twitterrific Premium installed on my iPod Touch. When Twitter’s official iPhone app arrives on the App Store, I downloaded and tried it out. I must say that it’s pretty impressive though both TweetDeck and Twitterrifc offer dark and sleek interfaces, which I prefer. As I was playing with it, I noticed that the folks over at the Twitter Mobile team have included an interesting stat that Biz Stone & Co. keep mum previously.
A month during the Chirp conference, Stone announced that Twitter has 105,779,710 registered users, and is adding around two million new profiles per week (300,000 per day). Apparently, these figures were from Google Analytics, and the actual number of registered users still remains at large until now.
Moments ago, I registered a new Twitter account with the username ‘txnetwork’ and added it to my Twitter iPhone app. Navigating to the “My Profile” section reveals that ‘txnetwork’ is the #146,711,610 account registered on Twitter. Moving on to Jack Dorsey’s account, it gives me the 12th position. #1 to #11 were test accounts, and Dorsey is the first official user on Twitter. You can also try out yourself and see what’s your ranking based on the duration since you joined the micro-blogging platform.
However, that figure isn’t accurate as there are multitudinous spam and inactive accounts.