Despite the increasing number of illegal downloading to songs, the music industry is still continuing to grow at a steady pace. Governments from various countries are trying very hard to tackle this serious problem but the problem still exists and cannot be solved. So if you want to listen to songs but don’t want to buy them, you can try streaming them right from your browser for free while surfing the net for information. I know that there are tons of websites out there that offer this service but today I’m going to introduce to you guys VastFM which allows music fans to stream any songs from any artists you want at no cost.
Sounds similar to LastFM, VastFM lets you play basically any songs you’d love to hear as the database which it has is really huge and the founder even claims that it has the largest music directory on the Internet. Basically, what is does is that it pulls the selected artist’s discography from open online music directories and combine the information found with the music of Youtube videos.
Searching for an artist is really simple. Users who want to listen to music online can pick a suggestion from the tag cloud which shows the popular ones or via the search bar by entering a band or artist name. For each artist, it presents to you an impressive list of songs sang by him or her. Simply click on the song title and the song can be played. It offers features that a basic music player should have – Play, Pause, Stop, Mute and Unmute.
Not only does it lets users to stream songs online, it even sells concert tickets to music fans. To download a particular song which you like, you can do so via AmazonMP3 and transfer it to your iPod. Please download songs legally and not illegally from torrent sites!
In conclusion, the user-interface is pretty well-done with some skyscraper ads laying around at the both ends of the sidebar but there don’t really affects the streaming of music. For every search query I’ve made, VastFM is able to provide me what I want to listen which simply concludes that its directory is huge, probably millions of songs in there. Also, it helps me to expand my search results with the both “Related Artists” and “Playing Right Now” sections.