How To Maximize Your Monitor Like Mac Spaces In Windows?

maxtoI love iMacs but sadly I don’t have one at one. I usually used it in school for my IT lesson and the best feature it has is the Mac OS X Leopard Spaces which allows me to create up to 16 workspaces and stay clutter-free and organized. This creation is really unique and of course useful to those who open many programs at once but want to make the monitor looks neat. However, for Windows, it doesn’t offers this feature. But fortunately, there is a tool out there called MaxTo which can help to me to solve this annoying problem.

Some features MaxTo provides includes easily change regions, easily disabled by holding Shift, move windows using shortcut keys, multi-monitor support, light-weight (the background image on this website is larger) and of course free. Currently, it supports both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista.


Although MaxTo has the same objective as Mac Spaces, however I feel that Mac Spaces is much better indeed. For MaxTo, it only divides divides your monitors into regions and when you maximize a window, it will no longer fit the entire screen, but only the region it was maximized into. This is quite different from Mac Spaces which organize each space just the way you want it. Simply open an application in a space or drag a window from one space to another in the bird’s-eye view.

At least MaxTo is useful to Windows users so I can’t grumble too much. How I wish Microsoft should implement a similar feature to Mac Spaces, then Windows will be great!