Having a similar concept and name to Guy Kawasaki’s AllTop, TweetTop is developed by Jordan Willams who aims to provide Twitter users the latest and most interesting tweets on popular topics such as Apple, Blogging, Celeb Gossip, Funny, Twitter, SEO and many more. It’s clever system even updates the website in every 20-30 seconds which is simply quite fast as compared to AllTop’s hourly update of the feeds.
Dubbed as “All the Tweets, All The Time”, once you click on a particular topic, you’re able to view the tweets of users. Most of the users featured are all celebrities or CEOs of a company. For example, when I enter the page of “Action Sports”, some of them includes the famous skateboarder, Tony Hawks and FUEL TV, an action sports television. On the sidebar located on the right, you’ll see a widget that shows the latest tweets from the the minds of the topic which you’ve selected.
This is really useful for those who wants to follow popular Twitterers of their same interest and receive interesting tweets from them. There are around 37 topics in TweetTop and I think that the list will expand frequently.