Eyercize Helps You Boost Your Reading Speed 3x Faster In No Time…Too Good To Be True?

Home_Photo_booksHave you wondered why you take a few weeks or several months to finish reading a 500-page book whereas your friends simply need few days even though both of you spend the same amount of time daily? Well, probably they have their own techniques to do so. So if you want to challenge them in terms of speed and of course understanding, this is when Eyercize comes in handy.

Eyercize is an online speed reading tool (bookmarklet) that tests how fast you can read. Besides that, it plans to release a premium product that helps you become a super reader by boosting your reading speed 3 times faster in no time. You can try out the service by signing up for the beta version. After reading this statement, I was wondering if it’s “Too Good To be True?”. Well, that’s what the folks there claims.

By using either or both the bookmarklet or the paid product, it offers some advantages which will make your life much easier. For example, it can significantly ease your workload, reduce eyestrain, improve your job skills, get better grades and improve your material retention.

For the bookmarklet, there is no download or registration needed, just drag & drop provided bookmark to your browser and you are all set. It has just released its new and improved bookmarklet which plays nice with UTF-8 encoding. “It means that all those funny accents that are present in romantic languages like Italian, French and so on are being preserved for your reading pleasure. This bookmarklet also performs much faster then the previous one.”