EmbedVid Lets you Embed & Share Videos on Twitter

vidEmbedVid a newly-launched Twitter application which allows users to embed and share videos on the world’s most popular micro-blogging platform without any hassle. With this free and simple service, you can share interesting or funny videos with your friends and hence creating a wonderful experience on the Internet. All you need to do is to punch in your Twitter username, video label, video embed code, video grouping and last but not least select a suitable rating into the respestive textfields and you’re good to go.

For each video embeded, there will be a unique URL which you can post on your profile for others to view it. When you friends click on that link, they will be directed to a new window whereby they are able to watch, favorite, comment or even re-tweet the video. There is also a page-view count on the top right hand corner for you to find out how popular the video is. Currenly, it supports almost all popular video-sharing platforms such as YouTube, Hulu, DailyMotion and the list goes on.


Besides the simple but impressive interface EmbedVid offers on its video page, the ability for users to select the ratings (General, Parental Guidance, PG-13, or NC-17/Adult) to prevent minors from watching a particular video that contains sensitive or violence content. However, of course some minors would ignore the rating and continue watching. Basically, this site is a combination of Twitter and videos. If TwitPic (Twitter + Images) has become so successful, I’m pretty sure EmbedVid will succeed too.

Here’s an example: http://embedvid.com/v/79