Psystar Finally Shut Down by Apple

On Tuesday, Apple finally won the court case against Psystar.

Psystar was a computer company building Macintosh computers, using the OSx86 project. The whole idea of these computers was having a cheap Mac, but great specs. It allowed people who aren’t to tech savy, who can’t setup hackintosh, save money. Of course, Apple didn’t like this.

A federal judge in Florida ruled that Psystar be shut down and a 2.7 million dollar fine be paid.

The Rebel EFI was not part of the agreement. The Rebel EFI software allows you to download multiple OSes and switch through them easily. From my understanding, the software is free.

I can understand the judge’s ruling, if Psystar wasn’t paying for the OS on each computer. If they were paying for a Snow Leopard box to be installed on each computer, I would see no problem.