Contails is a great tool which allows us to synchronize our mobile phones to backup our contacts and organize them, especially when you’ve tons of contacts stored in your phone and afraid you may lose them in an unfortunate case. Besides that, you can even add in more necessary details for your contacts. The guide which instructs users of how to sync the phone is relatively very easy-to-follow and the process will be successful if you follow the procedures carefully.
Adding multiple mobile phones is also possible and the clever system will helps you merge duplicate contacts from all your phones. Hence, it saves you the trouble to mass delete. Users can browse their contacts with ease and even import or export files from their computer. To expand your network of friends, Contails has an option that enables you to share your contacts with your friends and vice versa. However, of course they must be using Contails in order to exchange.
Although Contails’ main focus is on mobile phone contacts, but the folks there still include a feature that lets you import email addresses from your desktop email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird or via free web email providers which includes Gmail, MSN and Yahoo.
You might think that this free app contains comprehensive functions but actually I don’t think so. It’s quite useful and it’s an impressive and simple solution to organize your phone and email contacts. Even though Contails is a start-up, but it seems that it’s gaining popularity. Currently, it’s network boasted over 24,000+ contacts and 200+ users using the awesome and wonderful tool!