Last week, I’ve shared my view about the next way to make money on Internet to you. In that post, I’ve mentioned about “Channel Marketing” and now, let me discover the channels and share them with you.
1. Information Flow (Twitter)
The first one is Twitter, just because it’s very hot currently. Twitter don’t use any way to make money at the moment, but it has been said that Twitter will publish the details about making money in First Quarter Result to visitors. Now we can only guess and talk among ourselves and I think Channel Marketing may be very important for Twitter as the popular micro-blogging platform has something special. That is Information Flow.
Twitter is a high-efficiency but simple platform. Twitterers (a.k.a. users) update their information frequently and is used by celebrities such as Kevin Rose, Lance Armstrong, Britney Spears and companies such as Apple Inc and Starbucks. Since Twitter is very useful as a real-time search engine (Twitter Search), Google can follow their footsteps and get help from Twitter. Also, Twitter provides a platform to send instant information like news to their friends and the message will then spread through the whole network via “chain re-tweeting”. Hence, it’s also a very good channel.
2. Users’ Interest (Blogger)
There are so many popular blogs hosted by the compliment Blogger platform by Google and I bet that more than 70% of the users will only read the posts that they are interested in. For example, if you are reading a post, you may show your interest to Blogger. So how to make money with this channel? Advertisements are very good for this, but I’m talking about the another alternative, therefore advertisement should be out.
I personally feel that Blogger can display some related posts written by other bloggers, so that users may be interested in them. Of course, that will result in an increase of the number of page-views Blogger receives. And also, the blogs with the topic “Internet Marketing” can pay for better display frequency.
3. Images of Products (Google Image Search)
You may be surprised that I’m talking about the amazing image search engine because you may think that it is useful but it can hardly generate any revenue. I think that image search engine can be helpful in channel marketing. Of course, it can be a channel and you might wonder how to promote products or services by using picture search engine?
Have you ever searched any gadgets in types (such as mobile phone, laptop, etc)? If you enter keywords that are large categories, usually search engine will give you some image ad that may interest you. Most likely when you click on it and like, you may purchase it. That’s the usage of image search engine channel marketing.
4. Advertorials (Platform Unions)
There are some interesting unions out there that provide platforms for free and you can even add your own advertisements. Such contents unions, you can use them to get a professional website with a lot of articles for free. Can you discover the channel on these unions?
After a lot of webmasters join the unions, the unions’ influence can be very high and they can publish anything to many visitors instantly. Therefore, the channel inside the unions can use for promoting, especially for advertorials!
5. Interesting Applications (Facebook)
There are many interesting applications in Facebook, for example, design your own mobile phone which is sponsored by AT&T, to promote the iPhone. That’s a very popular way for Internet Marketing, and also it is a channel.
This channel can be used by any corporation with idea for only a little cost. And also, social networks websites like Facebook can create a special department to develop business in this channel.
That’s all 5 channels that I’ve discovered, if you have some more channels or special views, you can leave a comment so that we can discuss together.