Everyone can have their own websites whether it’s for personal or for business. But when wanting to have your own site, careful planning is essential and crucial. Aside from needing to think of a name for your site and registering it with a domain name registrar, one of the most important things is choosing the right web hosting provider to host it. And this is where it gets confusing and challenging since there are just so many web hosting company to choose from.
If you happen to looking for a free web hosting provider, the list even gets longer. But the problem with some free hosting providers sometimes is the unreliable service they provide which causes websites hosted on them a lot of downtime issues. Reliability is one of the key factors of a good web host whether free or paid. And among the free web hosting around, Doteasy is one of the few that is capable enough to provide a free and yet reliable hosting. Not to mention, an ad free site as well. With their free web hosting plan, they guarantee 99.9% uptime provide web site builder that’s very helpful when creating and designing your site. You simply need to sign up for a free hosting account with them which is really that easy.
But here’s a great treat they offer right now, which lets customers to register any domain name for only $4.95 for your first year. You can already register a .com, .net, .org for a very cheap price, plus get a free hosting package included. Just use the coupon code 0910FWH to join register through this promo.