If you’re a Twitterer and curious on finding out who follows whom on the micro-blogging platform, this is when Who Follows Who? comes in handy. It’s main focus is to allow Twitter users to find out who they follow and are followed by in common. For example, when you enter TechXav and Pathway8, you’ll then be presented with a list of who we both are following and being followed. This works similar to what I’ve learned in Math in school – “Sets and Notations”, finding the common overlapped area in a Venn diagram.
To start, simply punch in up to five usernames and of course a minimum of two. As you include more users, the number of Twitter users showing up will be inversely proportional to the number of people you’d want to check. This is because it filters out all the Twitterers which aren’t common among one another. The best feature which Who Follows Who? offers is the detailed information of each user. By hovering your mouse over a thumbnail, it shows you the name of user, location, number of followers, friends and updates.
There is also another simple app called DoesFollow which works quite similar to Who Follows Who? Basically, what it does is that it enables you to verify who follows who on Twitter by entering two usernames. The difference between these two tools is that DoesFollow provides a simplier feature as compared to Who Follows Who?