Brad Suzuki has introduced to me Gurutoy and I was pretty amazed by the wonderful visual blog search. Functioning similar to Technorati, it enables bloggers or Internet users to search for blogs based on keywords or phrases. Of course, users have to submit their blogs to the interesting platform in order to appear in the search listings. Besides submitting your blog, you can also do the same for your favorite websites to help to expand the growing community.
The concept began three years ago as the founders “wanted to construct a more organized way of searching that was fresh and new”. Dubbed as an “websites art gallery”, you can explore and discover websites by clicking on popular tags, latest popular uploads and view the most recent uploads. For each thumbnail, it shows you a detailed description of the website, the tags or even visit the blog is you’re interested.
Since Gurutoy is based on users’ upload and not many people share their favorite links, there aren’t that many websites in their database as compared to popular platforms but at least the user-interface is superb and beautifully designed. So if you’ve any websites which you’ve stumbled across and find them interesting, you can upload them to Gurutoy and I personally think that Gurutoy will become a successful service in the future!