It’s relatively quite impossible to pester your entire network of friends around the world to check whether your blog or website is accessible in their countries or not on a frequent basis. For several reasons such as server errors, blocked in certain parts of the countries like China or India for sensitive content, your blog would not be accessible. Hence, this would result in a loss of potential readers and subscribers. Unless they inform you that your site is down in their locations, you wouldn’t be able to know that by yourself.
If you’re a blogger or webmaster, this when a simple but useful service comes in really handy. Called “Just Ping“, it’s an online web-based Ping that remote ping a server or web site using our network with 37 checkpoints worldwide to help you check whether the site is accessible or not. Simply punch in your website URL or IP address into the textfield provided and hit “ping!”.
It’ll take a while for the result to be loaded and if you’re site is either blocked or inaccessible, the service would state the percentage of the packet of the website is loss is a particular location under the “Results” column. This information is useful as you can contact the folks at your hosting provider regarding the issue. If they said there are no problems with their server, then it got to be your website being blocked by the government in that location. Besides showing your the result of the ping, it even provides you valuable information such as minimum, average and maximum rrt.
Although this tool has been on the web for quite a while, but at least it’s pretty useful for bloggers, webmaster or developers to check their websites in different locations worldwide to make sure that it works fine.