Deveoped by the folks at TwitterCounter (a web app that tracks users on Twitter and provides bloggers with follower count chicklet), they have now released another wonderful and special blog widget called TwitterRemote. It looks like TweetRemote but it isn’t. Functioning just like BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog, the TwitterRemote widget shows readers and bloggers which Twitterers have recently visited a website.
On the customized widget, it includes a thumbnail accompanied with the username and number of followers he or she has. The best feature that TwitterRemote offers is the statistics graph which shows the followers trend in a timeline. You can access to this feature when you click on a particular Twitter users that appears on the widget. Besides that, it even shows the recent tweets and shortcut buttons to follow or tweet the Twitterer.
Unlike other Twitter apps, you need not to enter your credentials in order to use this simple but awesome service. After entering your username, simply designed your custom widget by changing the colors, selecting the number of rows and the width. A preview can be seen on the right hand side and if you’re satisfied with your customization, all you to do is to copy and paste the generated javascript code to your blog to display the widget.
With this widget, it helps boost interaction and also expand your Twitter friends’ base when you follow and check out other users’ profiles. TwitterRemote is indeed a great creation! That’s all I can say!