Twitter’s trending topics was implemented by the folks at the San-Francisco-based micro-blogging platform on September 18, 2008. Trending topics are keywords that happen to be popping up in a whole bunch of tweets. The clever search system measures these topics and adjusts them in real-time throughout the day. It’s indeed a great way of finding out what’s happening right now. But what if you would like to find out what are the local Twitter trends of a particular city. This is when Mapmash‘s Twitter Local comes in really handy.
Twitter Local is a mashup of both Google Maps and Created by Rakshith Krishnappa, the map shows the top 10 trending phrases in over 80+ major cities around the world. With this simple but useful map, you’re able to find out what people are tweeting in your city by selecting a city and clicking on the green arrowhead on the map.
Of course, the trends listed aren’t accurate because the number of users following’s various Twitter profiles is still relatively low (220,000, a far cry from Twitter’s strong 22 million users base). But I’m sure with Twitter’s upcoming geo-tagging feature that will make Twitter more location-aware, local trending topics will then be much more accurate. As such, we are able to view what’s popular of happening in a city itself in real-time rather than the entire world.