I have been waiting for Android 2.0 for my Droid Eris ever since I got it for Christmas. I know Eris users and Hero users alike are kind of mad that we have been left in the dark. With the release of Buzz today I was really excited to use it on my Android device. When I went to http://www.buzz.google.com my device wasn’t supported because it was running Android 1.5. To me that is just unbelievable.
Why would Google roll out all of these features to the Nexus One and Droid, but leave the Hero and Eris in the dust? I called Google to see if Buzz was supported, or would be at sometime, and got the answer that it would only work with Android 2.0+ because of GPS capabilities.
I have heard rumors of when an update will come to the Eris and Hero, but no official statement from Sprint, Verizon, Google, or HTC. I also don’t know whose fault it for not having the update out. Is it the carrier, HTC, or Google? Whoever it is, they need to get working.
I also tried contacting Verizon, got no answer. I am still awaiting a response from HTC.