Snoget: A Next Generation Social Networking Game?

Dubbed as “the world’s first true social networking online game”, Pugpharm‘s Snoget is a next generation social networking online game that redefines what players expect from social networking games by giving them the ability to collect and interact with items and brands that define their interests. It’s a new form of gameplay within a dynamic and constantly changing system, introducing all the complex human emotions around the desire to collect, communicate, collaborate, and customize. In short, this game requires you to find people with interests similar to your own.

Snoget works differently from games on Facebook or Twitter. To win the game, you would have to collect a new item and connect with people who share your interests, and a full points and leveling system will rank the abilities of the players. Unlike Facebook and Twitter games which help you connect with other people,
Snoget is about delivering simple, frequent, compelling gameplay challenges that bring people together with like interests.

“Snoget players will experience a new form of interactive entertainment that combines the best elements of both social networking sites and online games,” stated Steve Bocska, CEO of Pug Pharm. “We believe Snoget is the world’s first true social networking online game and picks up where games on Facebook or Twitter leave off.”

Currently, Snoget is in private beta and will be rolling out several new social features in the next few weeks.

Via VentureBeat