Top 5 Black Friday Tips

If you live in the United States, you have most likely know of the “holiday” Black Friday. It is the day after Thanksgiving (November 27th) and all stores open early, with insanely low prices (literally insanely). Because some people are more experienced then others, I will help you buy the best tech gadgets this year.

1.) Get to your favorite store first and early. If you don’t get there early, the store will get picked over. When the doors open, it will be rushed.


2.) Have a game plan. You need to know what stores you want to go to and what you want to buy. Write a list of what you will be buying, and remember, you can always return items.

3.) Take a buddy. You and a friend can split your lists and have a mission for certain items. Like I said before, have a plan.

4.) Scout it out. A couple days before Black Friday, scout the internet for good prices. I really suggest using Google’s Shopping List to see where you will get the best deal, and if Black Friday will really save you money.

5.) Keep your cool. Don’t be an idiot, there are always those crazy people in public, don’t be one. Get plenty of coffee that morning!
