The micro-blogging giant has been supporting an SMS service that allows Twitterers in Canada, India, or the US to send updates to their profiles via text messages directly from their mobile phones. However, Biz Stone, the co-founder of Twitter said that it would cost the ad-free platform about $1,000/user/year outside these locations. Therefore, for example if you’re based in other countries, you simply can’t do so.
This is when a Twitter start-up called TweetBoxLive comes in handy. With this useful service, you can not only post updates on Twitter via SMS, it even lets users receive SMS updates from their favorite Twitterers on their mobile phones. To attract more people, it gives 1 free SMS credit when you’ve joined the service.
Not surprisingly, TweetBoxLive doesn’t comes free. Users have to fork out money to pay for carrier rates. According to the website “Packages of SMS Credits to receive twitter updates start at £5.00 for 60 Credits.” So is the price reasonable? Probably I think it is.
Although the founder didn’t explicitly says why he create this UK-based service, but I think that he wants to help the UK Twitterers to receive tweets via SMS after Biz Stone ceased the support of delivering outbound SMS over their UK number. TweetBoxLive is currently in beta and it supports almost all the countries in the world.