TweetPoint, a tweet points system which was launched recently, enables Twitterers to vote for their favorite tweets by including either +1 or -1 in their updates. For example, if a person finds a tweet interesting to him or her, all you need to do is to follow this format: “@tweetpoint @wyliemac +1 for being invited out for this Cali trip and gettin ‘er paid for” and post it on Twitter. TweetPoint will then tracks these down and ranks the users on a leader board based on the score given by their friends.
On the website, you’ll see a timeline of updates and you can check out the username search to find out whether your friends have voted for you or dislike a particular tweet which you’ve posted. Currently, the top five point leaders are whitman, phil_franks, biz, heidimunc and ev. This free service is developed by Bobby Whitman who is a self-proclaimed web deity at dynamIt.
From my personal view, I feel that Bobby should implement this creative points system outside Twitter and not internally. Although using @replies for voting can help to increase its reach to the entire network on Twitter, however, tracking the scores and voting should be done together on TweetPoint itself. Probably voting can be done using a timeline or status URL instead.