Sometimes when you click on multiple dead Rapidshare links, you’d most probably get irritated by them. So how? You can try a clever Web tool known as Rapidstack. This free Rapidshare link searcher aims to help Internet users to find active links whereby they can access to them. As you know, there are many inactive links out there and this problem hasn’t been solved yet.
By punching in some keywords into the text field, the spiders will then grab all the best links for you and present them to you neatly in a list one by one. Since it’s tough to harvest active links on the net, hence it’ll take quite a while to load all the links. It filters out the dead links from the good ones and you can access them by clicking on the respective links.
The links which Rapidstack provides are pretty accurate and I wonder how the intelligent system works especially when there are many millions of different Rapidshare links on the entire Web.