Yebol: A Semantic Search Engine that Utilizes a Combination of Algorithms paired with Human Knowledge

With the Internet growing at an exponential rate, developers around the world are racking their brains to provides engines and applications using state-of-the-art technology to improve users experience on the web. For the past few weeks, two search engines Microsoft’s Bing and Wolfram Alpha have been on the media spotlight and generated a lot of buzz on micro-blogging platform Twitter. Many analysts are pretty impressed by these new engines and their amazing features. However, majority of them claim that both search engine start-ups are not able to win the hearts of the loyal Googlers.

Yebol, a semantic search engine which utilizes a combination of patented algorithms paired with human knowledge to build a Web directory for each query and each user, plans to join in the search engine market later this summer. Dubbed as a knowledge-based search engine, the smart technologies behind the engine automatically clusters and categorizes search terms, Web sites, pages and content instead of the traditional common “listing” of Web search queries.


“Yebol was developed to challenge the current way people interact with their search tool to create a more personalized usable internet searching experience,” said Hongfeng Yin, founder and CEO of Yebol. “Through our research, we have found that consumers are seeking a new type of search engine, one that helps them mine and effectively utilize the millions of powerful search results for any given query.”

Developed by a team of four well-known and talented web entreprenuers who have previously worked for several notable technology companies such as Yahoo and SanDisk, Yebol comes with a state-of-the-art technology that aims to deliver significantly more accurate and data-rich search results.

The search engine identifies and categorizes hundreds of results in one easily navigable page. The resulting single page snapshot provides users with a richer search experience by helping them quickly scan hundreds of results to find targeted information quicker and easier. Unlike the current popular search tools, Yebol does not just provide lists of information, but the context to go along with the search query in a personal and easy to understand manner.

So will this impressive (according to the description provided by the folks at Yebol) semantic search engine become a hit on the Internet just like its rivals Bing and Wolfram Alpha? Well, it is too early to predict the result and we would have to only wait and see!