New Google Product: The Google Toilet! [VIDEO]

googletoiletIs Google in a race for world domination, hoping to steal market share from various industries? Last week, we compiled a list of pictures of what will happen if Google ruled the world. And this makes me wonder – in the future, will there be a Google car brand or even an airline named Google Air, challenging the likes of United Airlines or Singapore Airlines? I definitely won’t want to travel from Singapore to San Francisco on a Google-made plane instead of Airbus or Boeing, to be served by air stewardesses dressed in a Google uniform, or to surf the web on a laptop running Google Chrome OS. What’s absurd is that the plane’s navigational system will be powered by Google Flight Navigation. Google is reaching way too far into our lives, and it’s indeed scary if this scenario were to happen fifty years later, don’t you think so?

Anyway, the folks at CurrentTV have created an interesting animation on YouTube about the Google Toilet, a new product that can literally sift through your sh*t to deliver the ultimate targeted ads. The video clip is pretty funny especially during the part when the guy sits on the toilet stool, and Google displays ads related to his favorite Indian food after sifting through his feces. And the cool thing is Google automatically updates his Facebook page with a report of how much caffeine he has consumed, the level of his fiber content, etc. He seems rather irritated and unhappy about Google intruding into his privacy. In the end, he was arrested by the police/military because “the U.S. Government is not cool with the way you are living with your life“.

This video made my day! It’s just too funny! A must-watch!