How can the Apple Tablet Succeed

2009 was a huge year for Netbooks. The technology grew, and they were cheap. Netbooks are great little machines we can use in our daily lives. They are portable, yet powerful. 2009 was also a year the tech industry started buzzing with rumors of Apple making a tablet. It really got me thinking, how can the tablet succeed?

In my opinion, there are a couple things Apple can do to make this thing kill the market.

The one thing that will ruin this whole idea is making this another iPhone, with a bigger screen. We need a computer operating system, but not Leopard. The tablet needs to be fast, but affordable, with at least a 1 GHZ processor. A simple, but complex user interface. An application store that is complex, not 1 “page” applications. They need to be something like what is on there Leopard OS!

The device needs to have Bluetooth. If Apple was smart, they would make addons, like keyboards.. The device needs to have open SDK just like iPhone, allowing developers to code these amazing applications. (It’s Just That Good)

It needs to be media orientated. Maybe connecting the Apple TV platform and iTunes.

(Olivia Munn G4TV)

This tablet needs to be better then the iPhone! It can not just be another product to go along with it. I really believe Apple is going to make a remarkable product.