More Facebook Privacy “Stuff”

I was on Facebook today making a status update. It tells me there are some privacy things I should know. This time it wasn’t anything dumb like my last post, but something I think people should be aware of.

So, I am guessing this new batch of privacy “stuff” (yes all it is is stuff) rolled out with that last update I was talking about. Facebook is trying to base its privacy off three main levels, Friends, Friends of Friends, and Everyone.

It seems to me that Facebook is trying to make a common level of privacy for everyone. This whole Friends, Friends of Friends, and Everyone deal works with statuses to photo albums. Applications now have a limited access to what they can see about you, which is great.

Facebook is doing great things, but let us users no that we can change these privacy settings. Yes, they did give a small little box at the top to warn us to change them, but still. Facebook could of emailed us and made it VERY clear that you may want to consider changing some things.

From Facebook: