TweetEffect – When Did You Lose or Gain Followers

Want to know at which certain tweet did you gain or lose your followers? Well, TweetEffect does the summary for you! You do not have to sign-in to Twitter. Just enter your username (or user ID, as they call it) and you can know who followed or unfollowed you for certain tweets. People might not be interested in your tweets, before the ones they unfollowed you at. Or maybe they used bots to unfollow people who don’t follow them. Anyway, TweetEffect lists down my tweets and here’s some tweets when people followed and unfollowed me:

As you can see in the second image, the person who unfollowed me might not be interested in either the “Snacksquare” tweet or the tweets before that. We’re uncertain of which one did they not like. Like I said, it can be previous tweets or they’ve used bots to unfollow us. I can’t say that TweetEffect isn’t accurate as it’s a great service for you to maintain your followers and control your tweet contents well. TweetEffect is a simple and free-to-use service. What are you waiting for? Use TweetEffect to help maintain your followers now!