Twitter Working To Show Higher Quality Results For Trend Queries

Wonder how Twitter Search was born? Well, Biz Stone and Co. didn’t create the search system all by themselves. The main idea was actually from Summize, a popular service for searching Twitter and keeping up with emerging trends in real-time. On July 14 2008, Twitter acquired the search engine.

“Trends began as a useful way to find out what’s going on but has grown less interesting due to the noisiness of the conversation,” said Jenna Dawn. Yes, I personally agree with this statement. The public timeline, especially with trending topics, is indeed quite messy and irrelevant sometimes. So, today the Twitter team is working to improve the trends.

An extract from the Twitter Blog:

So, today we’re starting to experiment with improvements to trends that will help you find more relevant tweets. Specifically, we’re working to show higher quality results for trend queries by returning tweets that are more useful. The improvement won’t be very noticeable at first, but this is a small step toward unearthing more value in search and getting you more relevant results.