Woman Shoplifts During Microsoft Store Dance

For some reason, I subscribed to windows videos on YouTube. This video isn’t even by that channel, and for that the video is hilarious- to be fair, there are some funny videos on the official channel Stewie Griffin explaining why Windows 7 would help him gain world domination by letting him draw rabbits in an easier way. You should check it out sometime.

However, this post is about something else. During a video of all the employees of a Microsoft employees dancing, it is clear that a woman in the store shoplifts. I guess it’s annoying to be stuck in a store trying to purchase something while everyone who works there does some weird kind of dance, but this is just hilarious. People randomly joining in the dancing is OK, but if you pay attention you can see something much funnier. I’m not sure why Microsoft made this video, it could be because the employees wanted to have some fun, or as an attempt for an obviously faked viral video. Maybe they needed to have a dance off to settle once and for all whose idea Windows 7 really was! (It was mine).

Anyway, the video description states ‘The Black eyed Peas compel the employees at the Microsoft Store in Mission Viejo, California to break out in dance, let their hair down and have some fun. This is an amazing store, the employees seem really excited and engaged, almost happy to be at work. My favorite parts are when people walking in the mall come inside the store, join in the dancing and have some fun. The amazing thing is that people are in the store for hours, they love interacting with the software and learning about new technology.’

What should be added to this description is that they also forget about shoplifters. Look at 2:11-2:15!