Microsoft Archive
Microsoft To Spend $9.5 Billion On R&D This Year
March 5, 2010A decade ago, Microsoft was clearly leading...
Bing Maps Integrates Flickr Photos Into Streetside Views
February 12, 2010In an effort to overtake Google Maps and...
Biggest Pirates Of Microsoft Software – Russia
February 11, 2010We usually associate pirated products/software with the world's...
Microsoft Refused to Sell Xbox 360s to US Army
February 10, 2010 -
Microsoft and Yahoo are Angry over Google Buzz
February 9, 2010With today's launch of Google Buzz, Microsoft and Yahoo...
Google Ends Support with IE6
January 30, 2010Two weeks ago, Google...
Microsoft’s Silverlight 4 Client Brings Facebook To Your Desktop
Steve Ballmer Signs a Macbook
January 23, 2010From the looks of title, you might think this...